THE WENDY Type: HybridBreeder: Interpid Mar 4 Written By Elizabeth Welsh PINK PANTIES X GRAPE TEETHBY INTERPID, HUNTED BY UNCLE DAD VIBES 26-29% THC HYBRID CONTACT SALES REP HEAVYYIELD 56-63Days COAPDF Growers' NotesFor the candy lovers, but a little bit richer nose. Not too stretchy, vigorous growth, can get a little hint of purple but not dark. RELATED STRAINS IndoorOutdoorHigh YieldRetailBulkColorMold Resistant Elizabeth Welsh
THE WENDY Type: HybridBreeder: Interpid Mar 4 Written By Elizabeth Welsh PINK PANTIES X GRAPE TEETHBY INTERPID, HUNTED BY UNCLE DAD VIBES 26-29% THC HYBRID CONTACT SALES REP HEAVYYIELD 56-63Days COAPDF Growers' NotesFor the candy lovers, but a little bit richer nose. Not too stretchy, vigorous growth, can get a little hint of purple but not dark. RELATED STRAINS IndoorOutdoorHigh YieldRetailBulkColorMold Resistant Elizabeth Welsh